Mistwood Golf Club opened in the far southwest Chicago suburb of Romeoville in 1998 to critical acclaim. The Ray Hearn layout got wonderful reviews form the local media, and Golf Digest featured the par-5, split fairway and the eight hole(today third), calling it exciting and inventive. However, Mistwood had little to no heritage with a very modest, utilitarian clubhouse. The goal was to create and establish a culture that was in existence of hundreds of years. We researched historical places, compiled them into words, and then translated those words into a design narrative.
"This beloved games's history, filled with tradition and lore, will continue to amaze us in a course which embraces its natural beauty. Heather swept hills, long swaying grass, and medieval detail; inspire a design of what is uniquely a tribute to its heritage." These became more than words... rather a unique clubhouse that has the presence and history of several; centuries of architecture woven into one magnificent building.
We began our solution by utilizing the existing footprint due to its location on the site and the octagonal plan features at each end. After exhausting all possibilities, the decision to demolish and rebuild became the most prudent solution. The outcome: a new 30,000 square foot clubhouse and the banquet facility. Our guiding principle was to intergrate the clubhouse with the course. We wanted to ensure the clubhouse captured the beauty of the golf course, but most importantly, that the clubhouse was cited in a fashion that lived among the course layout.